Saturday, August 31, 2013

Heading Home!

puzzle Collage

Before we left the beach I took a photo of all the puzzles that we put together throughout the week.


We've stayed in quite a few houses over the years at the coast but this was definitely our favorite.  It was fantastic.  There were 16 people in the house and it lived very comfortably for us.  I snapped a few photos of the main downstairs living space as we were finishing packing up.



And one of the sweetest pictures of the week.


Noah is a sweet boy, but at this age he isn't overly physically affectionate with a lot of people.  (Which is perfectly fine, Matthew is the same way).  I just mention it because it is one of the reasons why this photo is so endearing ~ to see how he's holding on to Andrew.  These two were together all week and were still disappointed when it was time to say goodbye and were asking for more time together.  They decided that they are going to be college roommates someday.  They have very different personalities and yet they balance one another out beautifully.  Their friendship is a joy to watch

We managed to pack up and were out of the house by noon.  No small task.  The unloading, sand and laundry when we returned home is a whole other story.  We love the beach trip but it is a LOT of work.  And totally worth it.

We were so grateful for this week away.  We are already looking forward to doing it again!

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